Acquiring a Gorilla Permit in Rwanda and Uganda

Rwanda Gorilla Permit

Due to the high demand of watching the mountain gorillas and fragility of their existence in Uganda and Rwanda, the authorities (Uganda Wildlife Authority in Uganda and Rwanda Development Board in Rwanda) put up the a document one has to acquire allowing him/her to track the gorilla. This document  is called the gorilla permit which is attained after paying a certain fee that is in Uganda one is supposed to pay US$700 and in Rwanda US$1500.

Gorilla Permits can be acquired through the wildlife associated organization that is in Uganda, The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and Rwanda gorilla permits are secured through Rwanda Development Board (RDB).  When booking the permit you email the reservation office showing your intention of acquiring the permit and inquire about the availability of the permits on your preferred dates.
If the permits are not available on those dates, you may ask for the nearest dates. When you come into agreement for the available dates, the authority will advise on the means of payments of the permits. Then you can proceed to make the electronic transfer of the money.

N.B. Keep in mind you are send a copy of your payment voucher or receipt after making the transfer immediately through an email. The money transaction will not take more than 3 working days to reach the authority but your booking will be considered and reserved for 7 days in case they may be a problem with the transaction. Please ensure you pay the bank charges when making money transfer.

When the transaction is complete you will send your personal details like full names, nationality country of residence and passport number. Then you will get your permit when you arrive in Uganda or Rwanda and this must be done one day before gorilla trekking.

The other way of acquiring a gorilla permit is through the tour operator or agent. This is easier, quick and hassle free since the local tour agents purchases the permit on behalf of you. The procedure is more less the same as the above only that the confirmation is done faster.
Here contact us and get us informed the dates you would wish to go for gorilla tracking

Then we shall let you know whether the gorilla permits are available on your preferred dates and if yes the we shall reserve for you the permit but no guarantees until you make the payment of the permits
we shall send you our bank account details and the money transfer process can take 24 hours or less to be completed that is the money you have sent to reach us.
You will send your personal details e.g. your full names nationality, country of residence, date of birth and passport number.
It is important that if you are only booking a gorilla permit through the tour agent you will have to pay an extra fee charged by the agent for the facilitation but if you are taking a tour in Uganda and Rwanda and it involving a gorilla trekking and you have booked with the tour agent for the entire tour you will not be charged any extra fee for the gorilla permit. It will be the actually price of the gorilla permit.

whoever the system of securing Uganda and Rwanda gorilla permits for Virunga  and Uganda for Bwindi gorillas is almost uniform and its always recommended for earlier booking in advance just because permits are on first come first serve reason being; only 8 gorilla permits are present for each gorilla group per day so visitors are always advised to take caution on this otherwise visiting the rare mountain gorillas in their habitat in is such a long lasting memory.

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