
1) Lake Kivu
2) Nyungwe National Park (Cyamudongo)
3) Gishwati Natural Forest (Chimps)
4) Mukura Natural Forest
5) Karisimbi Volcano (Volcanoes National Park)

Here are the best places to visit in Rwanda;

Kigali the Capital of Rwanda

The capital being Kigali City and the official languages are Kinyarwanda, Swahili, French, and English. Read about and learn about Kigali City the Cleanest City in Africa and is two-three hours drive north to the famous Home of mountain gorillas Volcanoes National park.

Busasamana cave

The Busasamana cave is 1 km long which links to several other caves system found in Kanzeze, Mudende and Busasamana sectors such as the Mugongo cave, the Bweza cave and the Kabari cave. The site is situated close to the Busasamana Catholic parish, 8 km from the main Rubavu – Musanze road, along the road to Kabuhanga border with Congo. The site is suitable for day-trip tourists.

COOPAV Bralirwa Go Fishing experience

Go Fishing is one of eco tourism attractive activities with potential to be developed along lake Kivu area. This activity is available and run by COOPAV a local fishermen’s cooperative located around Bralirwa Rubavu bay, just 8 kms from Rubavu town centre. The site is accessible by foot and car from Rubavu town and open 24 hours since the main fishing activity is done at night. The area also is landing site and market place during day time, entrance is free of charge with the interaction of local fishermen.

Rubavu public beach
Rubavu public beach is one of the largest beaches in the region. A beautiful area with sandy, palm- lined beaches. It is easily accessible and in centre of Rubavu town. The area is clean and protected. The site is attractive for day-trip and weekender clients and entrance is free of charge.

Ikikombe cya Bunyongwe

This natural – historic site is a kind of crater in a shape of a funnel with more than 200 meters deep. Historically the site is related to the legendary Ngunda, that’s why the site is known also as urwina rwa ngunda. The site is easily accessible from Mahoko town center on the main Rubavu – Musanze road.

Kabuye Mountain / Inzo y’ Imana or the House of God

Inzo y’ Imana or the House of God is a cave with a spiral side, a wall with a spiral ramp and some 12 small chambers. The cave is in a rocky part of the mountain with some steep cliffs that could be used for great mountain climbing.  The fauna is amazing and changes from farms of climbing beans and sorghum, to potatoes. At the top you are so high that nobody lives there and the natural terrain of pine trees predominated. There is a beautiful water fall on the way. When you reach the very top, you just see pine trees with a small pond in the middle.

Kigufi the late bishop Bigirumwami’s residence

This residence was built in 1947 by a Belgian colonialist and later settled in by late bishop Bigirumwami, the first African – Rwandan catholic bishop. Besides, this beautiful residence, the site has a scenic view of lake Kivu, and provides services such as accommodation facilities, honey moons, prayers and fasting services provided by la maison St Benoit of Kigufi, a catholic sisters managed guest house. The Kigufi site has a magnificent garden on the lake Kivu shores and situated 10 km from Rubavu town centre. The area is popular with day-trip, weekenders and long-stay guests.

Mount Rwaza cemetery

The 1918 first World War graves, the site is known as a burial place for Belgian soldiers who died fighting against the Germans. The site is easily accessible as it is situated along the main Kigali – Rubavu road, 2 km from the town center.

Mrs. Carr’s farm

Mrs. Rosamond Halsey Carr was the first American woman national to settle in Rwanda in 1949, she was born in 1912 and died in 2006. While in Rwanda she settled in Mudende sector where she was the founder of Imbabazi orphanage in 1949. She initiated horticulture farming to support charity work in Mudende sector after the 1994 genocide. Later the famous Dian Fiossy after along time settlement in Congo, she came to Rwanda and stayed with Mrs. Carr before shifting to Kinigi / Musanze. A beautiful site with a historical and educational value and attractive for day and weekend trips, camping is available. The site is easily accessible, situated 200 meters from the Mudende sector office. The site is open from Monday 8.00 am to Sunday 8.00 pm.

Mugongo cave

This cave is situated close to Mrs. Carr’s property 200 meters from Mudende sector office. This cave is also part of the Busasamana caves system with options for caving. The site is easily accessible as it is also situated few meters from the former Adventist university of Mudende. The site is attractive for day-trippers.

Nyamyumba hot springs

Nyamyumba hot springs is a natural attraction with waters that are widely-known in the region for its multple medicinal virtues. These hot springs are hot enough to cook eggs on, while visitors take a swim in the heated waters of the adjacent lake Kivu, the hot springs of Nyamyumba (springs bubbling up into a large green pool) it issituated 9 km from Rubavu town center the road to Kigufi, This is a rustic sight with potential to develop into hotspring attraction for day-trippers and weekenders.


Paradis malahide


Beautiful cultural imagination, Paradis Malahide is a self owned eco lodge bar and restaurant, located on the lake Kivu shores 8 km from Rubavu town it is accessible by car and foot. The lodge is constructed with only local materials and promising an attractive open first Rwandan Island restaurant to be opened soon. They also provide beach side barbecue, boat Island tour and swimming facility. Entrance is free and opens from Monday to Sunday from 8.00 am to 12.00 pm.


Pfunda tea route experience


The Pfunda tea route experience is a wonderful agriculture tourism attraction which benefits the local community. It is 11 km from Rubavu town and easily accessible by car. Two partners are involved: COOTP, a local cooperative and the Pfunda tea factory. They plan to develop it into tea tourism from the harvesting experience with the local community until the tea processing stage at Pfunda tea factory. The site is attractive for day-trip and weekenders once the campsite is developed.

Rubavu methane gas station

Rwanda’s unique experience. Rwanda’s dream to double electricity supply within the country. Lake Kivu methane gas was developed in Rwanda from 2005, the station started producing power in November 2008. The methane gas office is accessible by car and foot only 9 km from Rubavu while the extraction plant in lake Kivu, there is a hired boat available from the public beach and the price is Frw 5,000 per person for methane gas station tour. This includes 15 minutes boat trip and 30 minutes tour. Opening is from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm from Monday to Saturday.

Serena beach


Serena hotel is a 132 bed, 66 room hotel with a beach on shores of lake Kivu. The beach here is accessible only for hotel clients. The beach possesses all water sports equipment including windsurfing and sailing. Serena hosts an end month jangle party, and carnival nights with celebrities’ annual parties. This is an attractive destination for day-trip weekender and long-stay clients.


Tam Tam Bikini Beach

Tam Tam Bikini is a private owned beach bar and restaurant, it has swimming activity and organizes monthly music beach party where one can swim while enjoying music from the bar bungalow. The place is easily accessible a few meters from Serena hotel. It is an attractive place for day-trip and weekenders. Camping is available, but safety and security is a problem. Tam Tam is open from Monday to Sunday from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm entrance is free but on weekends it is 300 francs.

YVKE beach and resort


Lake Kivu eco lodge. YVKE is a self owned eco lodge, located on the Lake Kivu shores. The eco lodges is constructed from local materials and possess a splendid scenic view on lake Kivu. They also provide barbecue service, boat tour and swimming pool. The lodge is easily accessible as it is situated few meters from the Rubavu methane gas station.