Nature Walks

Planning to go on a trip to Rwanda? One of the amazing things to do on your Rwanda safari is taking a nature walk through the beautiful countryside. Having a forest or the guided walk is an amazing way you can get to view the many different attractions that live in and around the volcanoes National park. Within your group and the ranger, you will walk deep into the forest and also spend some good time searching for the species that will interest you like the tree species, vegetation and the wildlife that lives in the jungle. You also expect to see many other primates other than the gorillas, you will see monkeys and the golden monkeys that will give a different experience as compared to the gorilla trekking.

The golden monkeys also live at the lower levels of the bamboo forests and you don’t have to walk for long in order to find them which is different with the gorillas that need a lot of time since they go up in the upper zones on the mountains. When you meet them, you will be so surprised by their beauty as the name suggests. These have got a shiny reddish gold colour on their backs and this also means that they balance in with the golden colour of the bamboo stems. These nature walks also give you an improved knowledge about the ecosystem.

The nature walks are also good for birding and this needs low movement so that you can spot the few birds that hide in the tree branches and you will miss viewing them during the primate watching trek. You can as well take photos of the wildlife, vegetation cover and many other attractions.

The forest walk also needs the same preparations as the primate safari adventure and some of these include; the hiking boots since the jungle is wet most of the time and muddy as well as being slippery. The trousers and these have to be long sleeved since these will protect you from being disturbed by the thorns as well as the broken tree branches that can bleeding. Always remember to carry drinking water since you will need it. You can also carry packed food since you might stay long hours. Also remember to keep the bottles and the rubbish with you since littering is not allowed. The other places that you can visit also include; Dian Fossy tomb hike, Karisoke Research centre, which is also a place between Karisimbi and visoke thus the name Karisoke. She was a primatologist and an anthropologist that spent most of the time in making sure that the conservation of the mountain gorillas is done.

Her anti-poaching war also led to the arrest of many and it’s the main reason why she was killed in December 12th 1985 and was found dead in her tent lying in the pool of blood. She was later buried in Karisoke in the grave yard, close to many gorillas that were killed by the poachers. The hike is so amazing mixture of emotional, intelligent, physical experience for the tourists since it’s so inspiring to learn about her and her works towards saving the mountain gorillas.

While carrying out the hike, you will move through the thick volcanoes jungle and you will need to be physically fit and patient as well. The safari also starts in the morning and this also means that the driver will drive you from the headquarters to where the trail starts. The ranger will take you to begin you walk along the fairly steep slopes to the research centre where you will find Dian Fossey’s grave and the walks also takes 2 and half hours. You will also get a chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery and the hike with many different primates, birds and many more.The hike is also considered as an act of credit to her for all the nice work that she did during her whole stay in Rwanda. All her efforts towards gorillas was the main reason why mountain gorillas can be found in volcanoes National park.