Gishwati Mukura National Park

Once the second-largest indigenous forest in Rwanda,Gishwati extended 100,000 hectares or 250,000 acres in the early 1900s.  By the late 1980s, Gishwati was about one-fourth of its original size.

Resettlement by refugees following the 1994 genocide reduced the forest to about 62 km (600 hectares or 1,500 acres). Reforestation efforts during the past several years have increased Gishwati’s forest to approximately 102 km (1,000 hectares or 2,500 acres). The Gishwati Mukura Forest in northwestern Rwanda is one of the most severely deforested areas in the country. Exploitation of the forests for commercial products such as charcoal, timber, medicine, and food has been the main driver of this deforestation.

On a positive note, reforestation efforts in parts of the region, using agro forestry techniques such as radical terracing, progressive terracing, and live mulches, are currently being researched and implemented. Seedlings of species such as Calliandra calothyrsus and Leucaena diversifolia are being planted in several provinces of the country with collaboration from stakeholders and the local community. If such efforts continue and are successful, the Gishwati Forest Reserve may experience considerable regeneration within the next five to ten years.

Great Ape, an international conservation organization is currently working on a combined project with the government of Rwanda to restore natural biodiversity with special emphasis on chimpanzees as a keystone and flagship species. Some 15 chimpanzees are isolated in Rwanda’s Gishwati Forest Reserve and on the brink of extinction. Restoration efforts, supported by Great Ape Trust, would create a 30 mile (50km) forest corridor to connect the apes to Nyungwe National Park.

Things to Do in Gishwati Mukura Park

Nature walks

Embark on a guided walk through the park’s fully established trails to explore the different habitats each with distinct wildlife, flora, birds and more. Expected sightings on a nature walk include birds, primates like vervet monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, l’hoest monkeys, baboons and more.


Bird watching tours in Gishwati-Mukura National Park to identify some of the finest 232 bird species. These range from the regal sunbird, Rwenzori batis, wood hoopoes, martial eagle, mountain yellow warblers, red throated alethe, strange weavers, stripe breasted tit, purple sunbirds and many others.

Getting Here

The park can be accessed by road or by air and while on road public or private cars can be used, though it is advisable you book through a tour operator. Also the park can be visited on a joint safari from Uganda after visiting the world’s Endangered Mountain Gorillas, you can travel fro Uganda by road, have a sleep over in Kigali and drive from Kigali to the park in the morning.